Foundation of the Society: a journey

Terme di Cotilia Srl has been at your service in the management of the thermal resource for over 50 years.

Cotilia Terme starts to redo its make-up

The company plans the restyling of the entire spa complex, looking at innovative and sustainable industrial solutions. In 2019, it will return Block A to full operation, with a remodelled infrastructure in terms of infrastructure, organisation and technology.

New Corporate Governance for Cotilia Terme

In 2022, the Del Tosto family looks forward to an opportunity for corporate growth, with a new governance that sees Valerio Filippo del Tosto, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Società Terme di Cotilia Srl, at the helm, while business development is entrusted to Emanuele Del Tosto.

Mud therapy, medical spa and outpatient specialisation

 Innovation and spa tradition, these are the main pillars on which the entire project is based, a meeting point between different forms of medical-specialist culture aimed not only at therapy and rehabilitation but also at maintaining health.

The waters

The importance of sulphur

The thermal springs offer natural mineral water with genuine health benefits. The water has a hydrogen sulphide odour and a sparkling sulphurous taste. Modern biochemical studies have highlighted the importance of sulphur in the functional economy of an organism. In fact, an individual weighing 70 kg contains around 110 g of sulphur: "even in such a small quantity, is distributed in all tissues, including the vascular system and particularly in the liver, affecting the general metabolism and multiple vital functions“. 

The thermal water, which has an odour of hydrogen sulphide and a sparkling sulphurous taste, has a residue at 1800 C of g. 2.0678, with a sulphydrimetrical degree of 6.8; carbon dioxide is present in the analysis of dissolved gases with cm 3764.2. 

Macro areas of interest

In the establishment, the healing and therapeutic properties of the water are exploited.

Spa Complex

Cotilia Terme, a garrison
thermal spa offering both thermal and medical-specialist services. More than 50 services to meet all needs.


Sulphurous water is the only 'pharmacological' chemical medium used for therapeutic purposes at Cotilia Terme


Patients arriving at the spa complex for the first time are directed to the information/admission desk where an attendant provides initial information on the admission procedure.


The practitioner provides the patient, if interested in the benefits/services provided, with a Card RFID

Fundamental Principles

The Cotilia Terme Corporate Principles form the basis of our corporate culture, and reflect the ideas of honesty, integrity and long-term thinking.


Cotilia Terme is constantly working to ensure that all its residents are guaranteed the right to full participation


Cotilia Terme constantly works to ensure that all its patients are guaranteed the right to effective treatment


Cotilia Terme currently operates under an active accreditation with the SSN only for the spa area

Right to choose

Cotilia Terme constantly works to ensure that all its patients are effectively guaranteed a right to choose


Cotilia Terme constantly works to ensure that all its residents are effectively guaranteed the right to full participation

Efficiency and effectiveness

Cotilia Terme is constantly working to
all their patients are effectively guaranteed the right to efficient care

Birth year
0 +
Annual services
Spa treatment stations

Health Workers

Here you can find all the information about the health workers in our facility 

Classification of the waters of Cotilia

Cotilia water has a sparkling sulphurous taste

The sulphur contained in thermal water is crucial in the formation of cartilage, nails, hair and hair and is necessary for the proper functioning of connective tissue. 

Natural sulphydric mineral water
Alkaline earthy


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