Gastroenterology and Urology

Social and health services and benefits affiliated with the NHS


This thermal cure is characterized exclusively by the intake as a therapeutic drink of sulfur mineral water. Although there are only very few contraindications limiting access to this type of treatment, at Cotilia the cycle of Hydropinic cures must compulsorily be prescribed by the spa doctor after evaluation of the patient. Once the appropriateness of the execution of the cycle has been established, the patient receives a magnetic badge that is preloaded to allow the patient to draw water daily, from an electronically managed dispenser, in the correct dosage identified by the accepting spa physician. Obviously, the water dispensed is flowing to allow exploitation of all its peculiar and salient qualities, without any kind of dispersion or deterioration of the medium (e.g., hydrogen sulfide content). Like all sulfur waters, mineral water exerts both a local action at the level of the entire digestive tract and, after absorption, a systemic action especially on the hepatic and biliary areas. Sulfur waters also possess a valuable detoxifying and antiputrefactive action, thus useful in cases of constipation. In this course of treatment, the Clinical Risk for the patient materializes only in the possibility of a modest flare-up of the inflammatory picture, which is all the more possible as it is already significantly present even before the start of the course of treatment. The admitting physician then specifically and punctually investigates the clinical picture on admission so as to identify and proscribe or postpone the cycle in those patients with obvious states of flare-ups of gastric or, even worse, ulcerative pictures. The microbiological qualities of the water are officially checked by competent external institute annually and monthly by the in-house laboratory.

Private health and social services


This thermal cure is characterized exclusively by the intake as a therapeutic drink of sulfur mineral water. Although there are only very few contraindications limiting access to this type of treatment, at Cotilia the cycle of Hydropinic cures must compulsorily be prescribed by the spa doctor after evaluation of the patient. Once the appropriateness of the execution of the cycle has been established, the patient receives a magnetic badge that is preloaded to allow the patient to draw water daily, from an electronically managed dispenser, in the correct dosage identified by the accepting spa physician. Obviously, the water dispensed is flowing to allow exploitation of all its peculiar and salient qualities, without any kind of dispersion or deterioration of the medium (e.g., hydrogen sulfide content). Like all sulfur waters, mineral water exerts both a local action at the level of the entire digestive tract and, after absorption, a systemic action especially on the hepatic and biliary areas. Sulfur waters also possess a valuable detoxifying and antiputrefactive action, thus useful in cases of constipation. In this course of treatment, the Clinical Risk for the patient materializes only in the possibility of a modest flare-up of the inflammatory picture, which is all the more possible as it is already significantly present even before the start of the course of treatment. The admitting physician then specifically and punctually investigates the clinical picture on admission so as to identify and proscribe or postpone the cycle in those patients with obvious states of flare-ups of gastric or, even worse, ulcerative pictures. The microbiological qualities of the water are officially checked by competent external institute annually and monthly by the in-house laboratory.

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