How to reach us

The Terme di Cotilia spa is located in Lazio about 100km from Rome and 35km from L'Aquila, in the Velino River Valley at Km 102 of the Via Salaria

From Rome take the via Salaria and proceed in the direction of Ascoli Piceno for about 90 km. The spa is at Km 102 of the via Salaria. Estimated time 1 hour and 25 minutes. From Ascoli Piceno, take the Via Salaria in the direction of Rome and proceed to Km 102. 

From L'Aquila take the railway line to Rieti and get off at the Castel Sant'Angelo stop. From Terni or Rieti take the railway line to L'Aquila and get off at the Castel Sant'Angelo stop

The nearest airport is Rome Fiumicino. From Rome proceed by car or train following the directions above.

From Rieti take the Cotral line to get to the Cotilia stop (in front of the Baths) after about 30 minutes. 

Where we are

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Medical Director: Maurizio Luce 

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